Path planning, concentrations and systems
Path planning
- Search:
Discrete path planning and solving algorithms (A*). - Prediction:
Sensor fusion used to predict other objects behaviour. - Trajectory generation in C++:
Project: Path planning
Drive a car down a highway with other cars using one’s own path planner.
Advanced deep learning
- Fully connected convolutional networks
- Scene understanding
- Inference performance
- Project: Semantic segmentation
Autonomous vehicle architecture
- Introduction to ROS (Robot operating system):
Architectural overview of ROS framework and setting up the environment. - Packages & Catkin workspaces:
ROS workspaces structure, essential command line tools and software package management - Writing ROS nodes:
Python and C++. - Project: System integration project
Running the code on Carla, Udacity’s autonomous vehicle.
Inaugural class of Udacity Self-driving nanodegree graduation celebration with Sebastian Thrun.